Saturday, October 6, 2007

Model: Jet Falcon

Designation: BZ-022
Type: Falcon
Alignment: Republican
Movement: None
Colour: Light grey, Black, Orange with Red Buster Claws
Special: Can fuse with Liger Zero to form Liger Zero Falcon
Approximate Size: About 25cm long, 10cm high and a wingspan of about 38cm.

Like Fire Phoenix, Jet Falcon is big. With his wings folded back, he is still about 30cm wide. Jet Falcon features some neat Buster Claws that rotate nicely, and underneath him is a button that can bring them up closer to his wings. His legs can be moved back so it looks like he is in flight, or forwards so he can stand on his feet. His tail is pretty neat. Jet Falcon is a rather sleek Zoid, although he has chunky wings. His head is quite nice, and overall his colour scheme isn't bad either. He wasn't too difficult to assemble either. He's sturdy, although he has lots of pieces sticking out so I wouldn't drop him. His cockpit is secure but not tight, so it is probably capable of opening enough to let the pilot fall out if roughly handled.

Rating: 3.5 Stars
Assembly: Intermediate
Movement: n/a

Left: Cutters back
Right: Underside with legs back

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