Saturday, October 13, 2007

Update #002

Yay, I've taken lots of photos of all 17 of my Zoids, and added them to all of the Zoid model posts. I have used low-quality thumbnails so they shouldn't take long to load, and you can click on the ones you want to see the full image of, and in higher quality. I even took a photo of Leosune, my custom repainted Leoblaze, he's in the Leoblaze model review post.

I plan to start fusing my Zoids and attaching step-by-step instructions, probably in .jpg or .pdf format depending on if I include text or not. Before I create some custom Zoid designs (I already have one in mind I have previously created, Leo Guardian, who is made from Leoblaze and Mosasledge), I will be posting instructions for the Double Arms Lizard, an official Zoid that can be made with Leoblaze and Unenlagia. Once I have a few different fusions up, you can easily find the ones you want according to which Zoids you have by using the keywords to the right in the Posts About... section. So far they only link to the model reviews of course.

Zoid Models: 16
No new Zoids this update.

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